Fort Scott Community College, Fort Scott, KS
The Carnival Scene, 1968
Scene Information
The Carnival scene in the film shows Newt and his friends enjoying the activities of the traveling carnival. This scene shows several attractions such as the bearded lady, vendor stands and carnival rides. This scene also contains a violent amateur boxing/fight contest (not pictured) among the young African-American boys. This is also when Newt and Marcus fight each other at the end to “fight to the finish.”
Scene Location
The Carnival scene took place along both the north and south sides of the home on the left and far back toward the west and the north end of the pasture area. There was a small road going east to west in the pasture that was located approximately 100 feet north of this sign. The tent vendors were set up in this location. The Ferris wheel and boxing ring were set up to the far west end of the lot.
Fun Facts
Many of the extras in this scene were from Fort Scott.
Traffic was packed on the main road and crossroads were blocked off.
Both houses near the scene location were still standing during the film. The film crew covered both the homes with tarps to hide their structures in the scene.
The carnival and most of the carnival workers were a real carnival company at the time of the filming.
The English bulldog that frightened the young boys when they were trying to peek under the tent name was Caesar Omar. He was owned by H.R. Watkins, Manager of Downtowner Motor Hotel.
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