Fort Scott Community College, Fort Scott, KS
The 21st Annual Celebration Schedule

Schedule of Events
Thursday, October 3rd
PHOTO EXHIBITS will be on display in the Gordon Parks Museum and Lunt Lobby of the Fine Arts Center
The Merl Humphrey Photography and Don Thompson Images-sponsored photo contest will be on display with the theme of “What Fills Your Hungry Heart?” Winners will be announced at the Chamber Coffee.
Some behind the scenes photographs of the film Solomon Northup’s Odyssey taken by Choice of Weapons Award Honoree, Fred Watkins.
Fort Scott, Now and I Needed Paris photos taken by Michael Cheers, Shane Walker, Veretta Cobler and students from the Gordon Parks Academy in Wichita, KS.
POETRY CONTEST/EXHIBIT sponsored by Helen Townsend, poet and Trabar and Associates will be displayed with the theme of “What Fills Your Hungry Heart?”. Winners will be announced at the Chamber Coffee, but presented at the Open Mic event on Saturday, Oct 5, 2024.
SIGN DISPLAY & MURAL DISPLAY — Visit the Lowell Milken Center Unsung Heroes Park, 1 S. Main St. where Gordon Parks is featured on one of the signs. View also the mural of Gordon Parks at Riverfront Park, 400 N. National.
8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. — Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce Coffee at the Gordon Parks Museum. FREE.
9:25 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. — Showing of the Criterion Collection film The Learning Tree in FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center Theater. FREE.
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. — Registration open outside of the Museum.
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. — (Lunch and Learn) “Filmmaking with Gordon Parks: Solomon Northup’s Odyssey” Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the film Solomon Northup’s Odyssey with Choice of Weapons Honorees, Art Evans and Fred Watkins who will talk about the film. Both Art and Fred will share their insight and experience working with Gordon during the filming of Solomon Northup’s Odyssey. Fred will also show some of his behind-the-scenes photos of the filming. The Lunch and Learn is free to attend, but the sandwich wrap lunches are only available by pre-purchase for $10 each by Wed, Oct. 2. Those planning to purchase the lunches may order either online at by phone, or by mail. Attendees are also welcome to bring their own lunch and join us. Dessert and drinks are available in the FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center. FREE to attend, except for lunch.
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. — “Showing of the film, Solomon Northup’s Odyssey” with an introduction by Choice of Weapons Honorees, Art Evans and Fred Watkins in the FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center/Theater. FREE.
3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Guided Trolley Tour of Gordon Parks’ Fort Scott & The Learning Tree Film Scene Locations. Meet at the entrance of the FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center. See the places in Fort Scott that are part of Gordon Parks’ history. Fee: $8. or by phone or mail.
Friday, October 4th
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. — Registration open outside of the Museum.
9:00 a.m. – 9:50 a.m. — “Capturing the Decisive Moment” Jason Miccolo Johnson, former Professor in the Journalism and Mass Communications Department at Savannah State University will share his expertise and experience in working in photography and capturing the true essence of the shot. FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center Theater. FREE.
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. — “A Conversation with Choice of Weapon Honorees” The 2024 “Choice of Weapons Award” honorees, Kokayi Ampah, Art Evans and Fred Watkins. FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center Theater. FREE.
11:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. — “Screening of the Documentary, I Needed Paris" This film follows the journey of a small group of photography students from the Gordon Parks Academy in Wichita, KS, through Paris, France, in late May 2024, traversing the same streets and neighborhoods as Gordon Parks when he worked in the Paris bureau of Life magazine in the early 1950s. These students along with other photographers will take a deep dive into Gordon’s world of fashions, portraits, street photography, music and poetry. They will also incorporate some fashion images using the same type of camera Gordon used - twin lens reflex film cameras. Produced and directed by Michael Cheers. Associate Professor, Photojournalism, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, San Jose State University. Cinematographer/Editor, B. Kameron Lawson. FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center Theater. FREE.
12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. — (Lunch and Learn Event) “Gordon Parks Elementary School INSPIRE” Come and learn all about the Gordon Parks Elementary Charter School in Kansas City, MO. Kirsten Lipari-Braman, CEO and Dr. Sean Klippel, Principal, will share a quick history of the school along with goals and inspirations for some of their students’ latest and future projects. This Lunch and Learn event is free to attend, but the sack lunches are only available by pre-purchase for $10 each by Thursday, Oct. 3. Those planning to purchase the lunches may either order online at, by phone or by mail. Attendees may bring their own lunch and join us. Dessert and drinks will also be available in the FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center. FREE to attend, except for lunch.
1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. — "Screening of the Documentary Gordon Parks’ American Gothic: Liberating the Voices and Visions of a New Generation" This short documentary features a visit to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts to explore Gordon Parks' iconic American Gothic collection centered on Ella Watson. This collection was created while Parks was on an apprenticeship with the Farm Security Administration and first met Ella Watkins, who cleaned the government buildings in Washington, D.C. Produced by Don’t Believe the Hype, a program of Twin Cities Public Television/PBS and SoulTouch Productions and introduced by Robin Hickman Winfield, Executive Producer of SoulTouch Productions and great-niece of Gordon Parks. In the FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center Theater. FREE.
2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. — “The Footsteps of Gordon Parks” Join us for this conversation with Robin Hickman-Winfield, Executive Producer of SoulTouch Productions and great-niece of Gordon Parks and Choice of Weapons Honoree, Kokayi Ampah, as they share their journey following the legacy of Gordon Parks while growing up in St. Paul, MN. Gordon Parks lived in St. Paul as a young man and is also where he started his career in photography. This conversation will also lead up to the showing of film A Tale of Two Inner Cities: Part One, directed by Kokayi Ampah. In the FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center Theater. FREE.
2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. — “Showing of the film A Tale of Two Inner Cities: Part One ” Directed and produced by Kokayi Ampah. Introduced by Robin Hickman Winfield, Executive Producer of SoulTouch Productions and great-niece of Gordon Parks and Kokayi Ampah, Choice of Weapons Honoree, in FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center Theater. FREE.
8:00 p.m. – “Celebration Dance Party” featuring “The Full Flava Kings”. Celebrate and dance the night away to one of the region’s best party bands from Tulsa, OK. The Full Flava Kings band will perform some of the best R&B and dance hits for all generations. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Band starts at 8:00pm. Cash bar available. Join us at The Liberty Theater, 113 S Main St, all seats reserved. Fee: $25.00 each or $30 at the door. Tickets available either online, by phone or by mail. Supported in part by The Bourbon County Arts Council, in Fort Scott, KS.
Saturday, October 5th
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. — Registration open outside of the Museum.
9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. “Showing of the Video, Gordon Parks: Coming Home” This is a video presentation of some past Choice of Weapons Honorees reading Gordon Parks Fort Scott Revisited Essay, that was published in the Back to Fort Scott book in 2015 along with other images. Produced by Nick Homberg, Professor of Media and Communications Technology, Kansas State University and Kirk Sharp, Director of the Gordon Parks Museum. FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center. Coffee, water, juice, and light refreshments will be available. FREE.
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. — “Open Mic Poetry” This open mic is for any poets, rappers, musicians, or artists of all ages to read their work. Bring your friends, your poetry, your instruments, your beats, your inspirations, your creativity, and your talent! No sign-up necessary, just hop on the mic when you’re ready! Hosted by poet, Barbara L. Eikner. FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center. FREE.
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. — Panel Discussion “Photography with Gordon Parks” Join us for a panel discussion with photographers who worked and learned from Gordon Parks and who hope that his influence is reflected in their work. Discussion topics will include Gordon's techniques for example his use of lighting, but also broader ideas such as Gordon Parks’ depth, inspiration, and impact. This discussion will be moderated by John Mason, Associate Professor, University of Virginia Department of History. Featured panelists will be Fred Watkins, Choice of Weapons Honoree, Michael Cheers, Associate Professor, Photojournalism, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, San Jose State University, Jason Miccolo Johnson, former Professor in the Journalism and Mass Communications Department at Savannah State University Photographer, and Veretta Cobler, Photographer. FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center. FREE.
12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. — (Lunch and Learn Event) “History of the Fort Scott Wayman Chapel A.M.E. African Methodist Episcopal Church” This presentation and event will explore the history of the (1866 – 2001) The Wayman Chapel AME Church. This is the same church that Gordon Parks and his family attended and the church that Gordon used in the Learning Tree Film. We will also honor former church members that attended the church throughout the years. Join us as we take a journey through time to learn about the Wayman Chapel AME Church. We encourage former church members or folks that attended the church to share their experiences, stories and more. There will be a group photo of the former church members or folks who attended the Wayman Chapel AME Church. FREE “BBQ by the Patio”. Join us for some great barbeque, potato salad, chips, desserts, drinks. Sponsored by Dunks BBQ. (Visitors may bring their own lunch.) Drinks will be provided. There is no cost for the lunch, but registration for the BBQ is required either online, by phone or by mail by Fri, Oct. 4. Donations are certainly appreciated. FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center. FREE.
1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. — Showing of the film, Leadbelly, with an introduction by Choice of Weapons Honorees Kokayi Ampah and Art Evans. In the FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center/Theater. FREE.
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Guided Trolley Tour of Gordon Parks’ Fort Scott & The Learning Tree Film Scene Locations. Meet at the entrance of the FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center. See the places in Fort Scott that are part of Gordon Parks’ history. Fee: $8. Sign up and pay either online at or by phone or mail.
7:00 p.m. – “Celebration Tribute Dinner” (Social Hour starts at 6:00 p.m.) Join us for an evening of celebration including dinner, music, and tribute to past honorees and to Gordon Parks. The evening will be highlighted by the presentation of the 2024 “Gordon Parks Choice of Weapons Award” to Kokayi Ampah, Art Evans, and Fred Watkins. The moderator will be Oscar Winning Filmmaker and 2016 Choice of Weapons Honoree, Kevin Willmott. There will also be a presentation of the 2024 “Gordon Parks Learning Tree Award” to Arnold Schofield. This event will be held at the River Room. 3 W. Oak St. All seats reserved. Fee: $35.00. Tickets available online at, or by phone or mail. (Reserve by Wed, Oct. 2).
Sunday, October 6th
9:00 a.m. – Breakfast at Crooner’s Lounge. Enjoy a breakfast buffet at one of Fort Scott’s finest! Located at 117 S. Main Street, Downtown Fort Scott. You’re sure to find something on the buffet to please. Check it out at: (No ticket required-everyone pays for their own).
Tickets for the events are on sale now!
Please contact us if you have any questions. 620-223-2700 ext. 5850 or